I love Wordless Wednesday’s as I get a chance to talk about a photograph!
This photograph was taken about 1907/8. It shows my maternal grandmother Martha WILLIAMS (formerly BENYON) standing outside her house with her first five children.
Martha (age about 32) is holding Doris who was born in 1907, Doris looks to be about 6-9 months old so I suppose the photo could be 1908. They are standing in the doorway of their house at 70 Westminster Road, Hoole, Chester. The house is still there today, in those days it was a two up two down end of terrace house with an outside toilet at the bottom of the yard. The facilities would be very rudimentary with cold running water and a coal fire for heating the rooms and water, the lighting would most likely be by gas.
Also in this photograph are:
John (aka Jack) born 1898
Gertrude Mary (aka Gertie) born 1900
May Alexandra born 1901
Robert Henry (aka Harry) born 1904
It is amazing how such a small house could support so many people, and there were still another six children to come!
What a great photo! I noticed the same thing about a branch of my husband's family…16 people living in one small tenement apartment in New York City!